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Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Ohio Death Cocktail: Drunks with Guns – Stirred or Shaken


Ohio governor signs law allowing guns in bars

June 30, 2011

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich on Thursday signed into law a bill that allows gun owners in the state to carry concealed weapons into bars and other places where alcohol is served.

Sounds like a great plan – drunks with guns.

The measure, which was forwarded to Kasich on June 22 by the Ohio General Assembly, was signed on Thursday afternoon. Kasich is scheduled to sign the Ohio budget later Thursday.

Businesses can ban concealed weapons on their premises for safety reasons if the want to and some, like the Cincinnati Bengals football team, have indicated they will continue to bar gun owners from bringing firearms into the stadium.

Good for the Bengals for setting a sane example!

The law also prohibits gun owners from consuming alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they carry their weapons into bars.

Yeah – that’ll work. So anyone walking into an Ohio bar will be frisked for weapons and if any are found – no drinking for you! Same with already intoxicated people walking into a bar as bar owners frisk already drunken people for weapons. Anyone care to try frisking a drunk for weapons?

The new laws allow residents to carry concealed handguns into licensed establishments in the state, including shopping malls and sporting venues.

Oh great – more to worry about as your kids trip on off to the mall or go to a ballgame with its ubiquitous, drunken fans.

The new law also allows a person with a concealed carry license to transport a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle without securing it in a holster, case, bag or box -- and allows them to remove a handgun from a secure location.

Sounds like road rage on steroids. Oh, and better not stop short.

Opponents of the laws had said that mixing guns and alcohol would endanger public safety.

Well gee – ya’ think?!

Supports argued that the laws bring Ohio into line with other states that have concealed carry rules.

Mommy, mommy – all my friends have guns.


> Let’s hear it for the Buckeye libertarian legislators! <


(Writing by David Bailey and Greg McCunecomments in blue – mine.)


1 comment:

lisa said...

This is really a stupid move on the part of the Ohio govenor. One would think common sense would prevail. I knew the bill was up for signing...I didn't think he would actually sign. UGH!
