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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Family Reunion Dinner


2012 Chinese New Year Commercial by Malaysian Rice Co. BERNAS

From the youtube blurb:

Chinese New Year is always a time for reunion. Whatever differences we may have as a family, there’s always a way to overcome them. So let’s come together as one family during reunion dinner. After all, family is forever.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Fidel Castro: GOP field “greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance” ever seen


[Ed. note: Sometimes even Fidel gets it right.]

Castro lambasts US Republican primary as idiotic

Fidel Castro lambasted the Republican presidential race as the greatest competition of “idiocy and ignorance” the world has ever seen in a column published Wednesday, and also took shots at the news media and foreign governments for seizing on the death of a Cuban prisoner to demand greater respect for human rights.

Castro’s comments came in a long opinion piece carried by official media two days after Republican presidential hopefuls at a debate in Florida presented mostly hard-line stances on what to do about the Communist-run island, and even speculated as to what would happen to the 85-year-old revolutionary leader’s soul when he dies.

Cuba has become an important issue as the candidates court Florida’s influential Cuban-American community in an effort to win the biggest electoral prize so far in the primary season.

Castro said he always assumed the candidates would try to outdo each other on the issue of Cuba, but that he was nonetheless appalled by the level of debate.

“The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is — and I mean this seriously — the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been,” said the retired Cuban leader, who has dueled with 11 U.S. administrations since his 1959 revolution.

When asked what he would do as president if he found out Castro had died, Romney said he would first "thank Heavens" that the bearded revolutionary had finally "returned to his maker," to which Gingrich replied "I don't think Fidel's going to meet his maker. I think he's going to go to the other place."

Read full article here:


Oozing Sores & Sprouting Skin Fibers? It’s All in Your Head Says CDC


Study of freakish mystery illness finds no cause

by MIKE STOBBE  •  Jan. 26, 2012

ATLANTA (AP) — Imagine having the feeling that tiny bugs are crawling on your body, that you have oozing sores and mysterious fibers sprouting from your skin. Sound like a horror movie? Well, at one point several years ago, government doctors were getting up to 20 calls a day from people saying they had such symptoms.

Many of these people were in California and one of that state's U.S. senators, Dianne Feinstein, asked for a scientific study. In 2008, federal health officials began to study people saying they were affected by this freakish condition called Morgellons.

The study cost nearly $600,000. Its long-awaited results, released Wednesday, conclude that Morgellons exists only in the patients' minds.

"We found no infectious cause," said Mark Eberhard, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official who was part of the 15-member study team.

The study appears in PLoS One, one of the Public Library of Science journals.

Sufferers of Morgellons (mor-GELL-uns) describe a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, erupting sores, crawling sensations on their skin and — perhaps worst of all — mysterious red, blue or black fibers that sprout from their skin. Some say they've suffered for decades, but the syndrome wasn't named until 2002, when "Morgellons" was chosen from a 1674 medical paper describing similar symptoms.

Afflicted patients have documented their suffering on websites and many have vainly searched for a doctor who believed them. Some doctors believe the condition is a form of delusional parasitosis, a psychosis in which people believe they are infected with parasites.

Last May, Mayo Clinic researchers published a study of 108 Morgellons patients and found none of them suffered from any unusual physical ailment. The study concluded that the sores on many of them were caused by their own scratching and picking at their skin.

The CDC study was meant to be broader, starting with a large population and then went looking for cases within the group. The intent was to give scientists a better idea of how common Morgellons actually is.

They focused on more than 3 million people who lived in 13 counties in Northern California, a location chosen in part because all had health insurance through Kaiser Permanente of Northern California, which had a research arm that could assist in the project. Also, many of the anecdotal reports of Morgellons came from the area.

Culling through Kaiser patient records from July 2006 through June 2008, the team found — and was able to reach — 115 who had what sounded like Morgellons. Most were middle-aged white women. They were not clustered in any one spot.

That led to the finding that Morgellons occurred in roughly 4 out of every 100,000 Kaiser enrollees. "So it's rare," Eberhard said.

Roughly 100 agreed to at least answer survey questions, and about 40 consented to a battery of physical and psychological tests that stretched over several days.

Blood and urine tests and skin biopsies checked for dozens of infectious diseases, including fungus and bacteria that could cause some of the symptoms. The researchers found none that would explain the cases.

There was no sign of an environmental cause, either, although researchers did not go to each person's house to look around.

They took fibers from 12 people, which were tested at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Nothing unusual there, either. Cotton and nylon, mainly — not some kind of organism wriggling out of a patient's body.

Skin lesions were common, but researchers concluded most of them were from scratching.

What stood out was how the patients did on the psychological exams. Though normal in most respects, they had more depression than the general public and were more obsessive about physical ailments, the study found.

However, they did not have an unusual history of psychiatric problems, according to their medical records. And the testing gave no clear indication of a delusional disorder.

So what do they have? The researchers don't know. They don't even know what to call it, opting for the label "unexplained dermopathy" in their paper.

But clearly, something made them miserable. "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence," said Felicia Goldstein, an Emory University neurology professor and study co-author.

She said perhaps the patients could be helped by cognitive behavioral therapy that might help them deal with possible contributing psychological issues.

The study is not expected to be the last word on the subject.

Among those with additional questions is Randy Wymore, an Oklahoma State University pharmacologist who for years was the most reputable scientist to look into it and who has concluded Morgellons is not a psychiatric disorder.

On Wednesday, Wymore said he had not seen the CDC paper and was unable to comment on it. But when the study began, he questioned whether Kaiser patients with Morgellons would participate, especially if they were unhappy with how they were previously handled by their Kaiser doctors.

"There is always the question: How many of the study participants actually have Morgellons Disease?" he said, in an email.

The CDC is not planning additional study, however. The agency's expertise is in infectious diseases and environmental health problems, and the researchers saw no evidence of that.

"We're not mental health experts," one CDC spokeswoman said.


Newt to Join Alice Kramden on Moon


Gingrich vows to establish a colony on the moon

COCOA, Florida (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is promising to establish a permanent base on the moon by 2020 if he's elected.

Gingrich, the former House speaker, told an overflow crowd gathered on Florida's space coast Wednesday that he wants to develop a robust commercial space industry in line with the airline boom of the 1930s. He also wants to expand exploration of Mars.

The pronouncements appeared to thrill the crowd of roughly 700 people. Florida's space coast is still suffering from a recent round of federal cuts to the space program.

But how would Gingrich pay for it?

The Republican presidential contender says he wants to offer prizes to help stimulate investment by the private sector.


From Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show”:

"I see what's going on here. This isn't about making a new state. Newt Gingrich did that global warming ad with Nancy Pelosi, realized that the Earth is very sick, and now he wants to leave it for a younger planet."


Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Hogwash Bowl


In the days of innocence before the BCS began pumping out commercially sponsored bowl games like a mint pumps out pennies, there were four bowl games, all played on New Year’s Day: the Sugar Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Rose Bowl and Orange Bowl. Raised in a sports oriented household, my youngest brother Matt and I took to the side yard of our house in Paramus, NJ on New Year’s Day to play our own, 1-on-1 bowl game we dubbed the “Hogwash Bowl”. Around New Year’s I ask him if he’s ready for the annual Hogwash Bowl. Matt's reply was especially poignant this new year of 2012.



The Hogwash Bowl has been postponed due to lack of sponsorship until the first Tuesday in November of 2012. At that time two persons who are full of hogwash will compete for the "big prize." The sponsors (a/k/a lobbyist, bundlers, corporations, unions, PACS and super PACS) will be pouring millions if not a billion into sponsoring the competitors. The competitors on the hand will get a prize of a four year contract worth about 400K/year, free housing, medical and transportation. Hardly seems worth the sponsorship money but, there seems to be no shortage of competitors vying to be in the Hogwash Bowl. I have no doubt that the sponsors will request some small token of the competitors' appreciation should they win the Hogwash Bowl.

I can hardly imagine that it would have gotten so big. What with its humble beginnings on a side property of a house on Swathmore Road in New Jersey to the gigundous event that it has become. Ah – when life was so simple – stumbling & bumbling through the grass, leaves and dirt, to the digging up of grass and throwing up mud to gain yards and reach the goal. I can remember when a couple of young kids had this idea, a good idea that was pure and fun as opposed to what has become an out of control, dash for cash and control. Neither the BCS nor the NCAA has ever sanctioned it but the movers and shakers co-opted it for their own use.

No … I remember the hogwash bowl as it once was and that is how it will always be in my heart. 



Yosemite National Park – HD Time Lapse


Click to play then double click to watch full screen.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

To Bank of America: My Husband is Dead – really, really dead


Hey, Bank of America, how many times do I have to tell you my husband is dead?

by Kaili Joy GrayFollow  •  Jan. 6, 2012

Dear Bank of America,

My husband died on May 12, 2010. You know this because I dutifully informed you shortly after he died. And you so generously told me that since he was such a valued customer, and you sure were going to miss his business, that I, lucky widow that I am, could take over the outstanding balance on his credit cards and pay you those thousands of dollars you won't be able to squeeze out of his dead corpse. So kind of you.

But your kindness didn't end there. Oh no. Because despite those oh-so-enjoyable conversations and exchanging of documents, his death somehow didn't make it into the right databases. Apparently, I failed to personally inform each and every Bank of America employee of his demise, failed to personally deliver a certified copy of his death certificate to your each and every branch, failed to make it clear that he was, like, really dead and isn't coming back, so no, he will never be available to sign any of your forms.

My bad, Bank of America. I'm so sorry for my failure.

But your thoughtfulness knows no bounds, Bank of America, so you make sure we have the same conversation each time I need to make a deposit or withdrawal or get a copy of a statement. Every transaction from his trust account must be made in person because of course your policy is to make sure that widows who deal with their husbands' trust accounts can't just do it online, like all of your other banking. Nope, widows must come into the bank each time, must sit down with you each time, must show you the death certificate each time, must tell you the story of his death—the date, the location, the status of our marriage, the color socks he was wearing at the time—each and every time.

And each and every time, you assure me that you're so sorry and you'll be sure to make a note on the account and enter the information into the system so that I won't have to collapse in tears in the middle of your bank the next time I have business to do. You promise. Pinky swear. Here, have a tissue.

Until, of course, your policies change again and you need to see the death certificate again and make another copy, but this time will be the last time.

Really, Bank of America, it's so thoughtful of you to ensure that banking transactions are so time-consuming and personal. You see, I have so many tasks and obligations as his widow, but these little exchanges you insist we have really help add some excitement to the otherwise monotonous grieving process.

But that's not all. Oh no. Because despite the dozens of conversations we've had wherein I explain to you—again—that he can't sign that form you need him to sign on account of him being dead, you felt that his death was no excuse for him not paying monthly fees on his old checking account you were supposed to have closed a year ago. You can imagine my surprise when I received a notice that my dead husband owed you, Bank of America, hundreds of dollars in overdraft fees because you'd been helping yourself to his money, a month at a time, until the account was emptied and then overdrawn.

Is this because I declined your generous offer to pay off his credit card? Is it because you knew I had better things to do than check to make sure that account you said you'd closed was actually, you know, closed? I guess I can't blame you for trying to squeeze every last penny out of his corpse. After all, Bank of America, your CEO did tell us last year that you have a right to make a profit. Even off a dead guy.

I really have to thank you, Bank of America, for today's little exchange. See, silly me, I thought I could just walk into the bank and make a deposit into my account of a check made out to both me and my husband. My bad, I know. Because of course you need his signature as well. You couldn't possibly allow me to rip off my dead husband. I understand, you're just looking out for his best interests, making sure I'm not swindling his corpse out of that $100 I naively thought I could deposit. After all, you really valued him as a customer.

You made the same promises and assurances to me that you always do, offered with the same insincere apologies. Oh, you're so sorry for my loss. You're so sorry to have to ask me these questions for the eleventy billionth time. You'll be sure to make a note on the account that my husband's signature should not be required for any further transactions, on account of how dead people have a hell of a time signing their name. But you mean it this time, right? You promise? Pinky swear?

I'm sure you'll be heartbroken to know, Bank of America, that this whole sordid probate business is coming to completion, and that account will be closed and emptied soon. So we won't have this quality time together much longer, wherein you tell me you can't possibly process my money without hearing the whole story of my husband's death—again. And reviewing all the paperwork—again. And then letting me know just how sorry you are for this loss we share—for me, the loss of my husband, and for you, more importantly, the loss of such a customer who was so valuable to you until he stopped paying you those monthly fees on account of being, you know, dead.

Believe me, Bank of America, I'm counting down the days until our relationship comes to a close. I know it must be hard for you. Allow me to offer you my condolences. Here, have a tissue. It's the least I can do to help you through this difficult process.

Just one more thing, Bank of America, and I mean this from the bottom of my grieving widow's heart:

Fuck you. No, seriously, fuck you.
Most sincerely,

One really pissed off widow


Rick Perry Excuses Marines’ Desecration of Bodies as “Stupid Mistakes”


This blog doesn’t usually pick up issues that are in flux as by the time people read, the issue is moot. I’m making an exception here with the outrageous nature of Rick Perry’s statement: Perry claims that US Marines who urinated on and, thus, desecrated dead bodies merely made typical 18-19 year old stupid mistakes. I beg to differ. Those 4 Marines are professional soldiers who represent and are the face of the United States while performing their duties as soldiers. Mistakes they may be but those who make such mistakes should be prosecuted, not merely reprimanded. Talk about stupid mistakes – picture Perry conducting US foreign policy as commander in chief.


Marines in video are 'kids,' not criminals

by Associated Press  •  Jan. 15, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry is accusing the Obama administration of "over-the-top rhetoric" and "disdain for the military" in its condemnation of a video that purportedly shows Marines urinating on dead bodies in Afghanistan.

No one has been charged in the case, but officials in the U.S. and abroad have called for swift punishment of the four Marines.

A military criminal investigation and an internal Marine Corps review are under way. The Geneva Conventions forbid the desecration of the dead.

Perry tells CNN's "State of the Union" that he thinks the Marines involved should be reprimanded, but not pursued with criminal charges.

Perry said "18, 19-year-old kids make stupid mistakes all too often and that's what's occurred here."


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Meanwhile in Sweden ... The Charleston


I Charleston – Herrang, Sweden

[click then double click on the video to watch full screen]

For more, search “I Charleston” on youtube.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Taking Stock – January 1, 2012


“A brother is a friend given by nature.” -Gabriel Legouve, writer (1807-1903)

If you’re lucky, your brother is your best friend given by nature. If you’re even luckier you have more than one brother. I’m lucky on both counts, grateful for my 2 brothers – Randy and Matt. Matt followed me to Indiana University, passed the Indiana CPA exam on his first try, and runs his own successful accounting firm in Indianapolis. Randy and I are in business together in the NYC metro area and he’s as good a friend as anyone can have. Despite being in different areas of the country, having different interests and political views, the 3 of us are as close as brothers can be. For that I am blessed.


“Honor thy father and mother …” says the 5th Commandment. As kids we found it just a bit difficult at times to swallow that one. As we got older we began to see our parents as people, not just our parents. The ability to see them as people was a life-changing epiphany, evoking empathy and compassion for our parents. Honor and cherish your parents as they will not be there for you forever. Do not waste the time you have with them harboring grudges and unresolved issues for once they are gone the grudges become trivial and the issues remain unresolved.


“Teach your children well …” –Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Please do teach your children well. Teach them to receive others with open minds. Teach them not to judge others. Teach them the value of education and hard work. Teach them to leave their marks on this world through their accomplishments, and their love and compassion for others.


“Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” –Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Discuss or argue politics – in a democracy you are free to do so. Rant at the government and its politicians – in a democracy you are free to do so. Cast your vote to shape your government – in a democracy you are free to do so.

If you live in North Korea, Syria or Iran you are not free to do anything. As you read this Syrians are being murdered by their government for exercising those freedoms. As you read this Iranians are ruled by the iron fist of a brutal sectarian government. As you read this North Koreans are prisoners of a ruling cult of personality.

Challenge your elected representatives. Protest against Wall Street. Decry inequality. In a democracy you will not be shot in the streets or hauled to prison. Cherish your freedoms. As of January 1, 2012 they are not universal.
