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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Than a Photo Flop Fiasco?


Yesterday (4/27) those of us in the New York City and Northeast New Jersey with views of Lower Manhattan were treated to a flashback of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. To the horror of thousands the backup 747 serving as Air Force One when the president is aboard took several low passes through and around Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Trailing the low-flying backup presidential plane was an F-16. Imagine the fear that gripped those watching an unexplained low flying airliner and a “pursuing” fighter jet! For anyone who doesn’t remember that day clearly:

Why was this photo op (if it was a photo op) top secret? To me that’s the fundamental question which brings into question whether it was merely a photo op. A photo op of Air Force One careening around Manhattan? Huh? I’m not a conspiracy theorist but other explanations, which I will keep to myself, occur to me.

A moron could have predicted the public panic as a jumbo jet passed over ground zero and made a pass by the Statue of Liberty. Could White House Military Office Director (whatever that is) Louis Caldera be less than a moron? I don’t think so. As of this writing I don’t see President Obama asking for his resignation. The preposterousness continued as both President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates denied prior knowledge of the mission. The Defense Secretary and president didn’t know that an F-16 was going to be playing aerial games with the backup to Air Force One. In fact, Obama today expressed amazement that “someone” took his plane without notifying him. Imagine that!

Word has it that local police (NYPD and Jersey City Police) were informed of the mission with the proviso that it was top secret and should be disclosed to no one. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg was not informed. Citizens were not informed. So why were police informed? So they wouldn’t shoot down the plane? To keep order in the streets as thousands ran for their lives after evacuating buildings in Manhattan and Jersey City? Why tell the police without informing the public?

This entire incident smells. No one – not even Louis Caldera – is that stupid!

May 8, 2009 Update: Louis Caldera's resignation accepted by President Obama. Looks like that's all there was.


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