A status crime is a crime of being rather than a crime of doing. Examples of status crimes include addiction, homelessness, prostitution, or even belonging to a certain minority group. Included in “minority group” are gays. Laws making a person’s status criminal have been repealed and rejected nearly uniformly around the world. The simple rationale is that you can’t make a person’s very being a criminal act. Such a person could, theoretically, be jailed for life merely for existing. Even at their worst, those saturated in ignorance, intolerance, phobia and bigotry never made being gay a crime. Sodomy – yes, but the status of being gay – no. In recent, relatively enlightened decades most sodomy laws have been repealed. In today’s society, gay marriage and civil unions are nearly humdrum.
The penalty for violating section 654, i.e., being gay, is discharge from the armed forces. An unsuccessful challenge to the disposition of an investigation results in the soldier being dishonorably discharged from the armed forces.
We have a successful volunteer army. Under DADT a gay soldier may remain at his chosen job only if he denies his being. Those who choose not to live that way are fired. Losing one’s job for reasons of economic, financial conditions is experienced by far too many due to fallout from the struggling economy. A gay soldier loses his job for being gay, not for any other reason. That is not fallout; that is a penalty for status. That gay soldier is being deprived of his livelihood as a penalty for being gay.
Gays serving openly in the military is a non-issue in most Western armed forces. Really. Polling in the
A 2007 study by the
"It's a non-issue... You can be a very good officer, a creative one, a brave one and be gay at the same time."
Case closed.
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