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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weiner Blasts GOP for Blocking 9/11 First Responders Aid Bill


In an impassioned speech, the likes of which is rarely seen in Congress, Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York tore into Congressman Peter King (R. NY) and the Republican House minority for blocking the passage of a bill providing relief to first responders still suffering from the aftermath of their rescue efforts on 9/11.

The GOP insisted upon adding amendments to the bill unrelated to its focus. To get around this partisan politicking, the bill was presented to the House floor using a procedure requiring a 2/3 majority to block amendments. Republicans objected and this bill to aid those who rescued thousands on 9/11 went down to defeat.

Congressman Weiner’s impassioned plea is a brilliant snapshot of our Congress at work.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

GOP = Grand Obstructionist Party

Tired of hearing this? Well, sorry – the GOP, like RNC Chair Michael Steele, is a gift that keeps giving.


Let’s take the Oil Spill Commission. Now I ask you – who would oppose investigative power for this commission in order to determine how and why BP flooded the Gulf of Mexico with oil? The Republican Party. Yup – Republicans are opposed to giving this commission investigative power. Why? Well let’s see. It was President Obama who formed the commission. Hence, the Republicans oppose it. Paraphrasing Groucho Marx in “Horse Feathers”, “They’re against it!” What are they against? Anything proposed by the Obama administration. Do they have better ideas that they’d like to debate? No. They’re just against it.


The GOP rallying cry in obstructing administration economic policies is “Stop increasing the deficit with so much spending; cut taxes instead!” I see – so lowering taxes doesn’t increase the deficit? I think not.

Tax revenue minus spending = deficit (or surplus)

You can’t reduce taxes without adding to the deficit. It’s simple math.* The infamous Bush tax cuts, including massive cuts for the wealthy, are set to expire December 31, 2010. The battle over extending them has already begun with the latest voice to chime in being Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve chief who previously supported the Bush $1.1 trillion tax cuts which turned a Clinton surplus into a Bush deficit. Greenspan now urges Congress not to extend those cuts.

Despite all the ranting and raving, the Republican Party doesn’t disagree with increasing the deficit but rather how to increase it. Yet the masses flock to the rallying cry of “cut the deficit and cut taxes”. Nonsense.


Finally (for now) there’s Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter who has joined the birthers. Yes, a sitting senator is publicly questioning the legitimacy of the Obama presidency, joining the moronic fringe element which questions the fact that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

The 2010 midterms are still nearly 4 months away; the 2012 presidential election nearly 28 months away. Stand by for more Republican crap.

*Hat tip to Rachel Maddow for doing the math.
