Senator McCain’s gambit of labeling Senator Obama a socialist by redistributing the wealth obscures his own insidious redistribution of wealth. Basically, Obama is taking from the rich and giving to the middle class. He believes that the economy should be grown from the bottom up. Middle class consumer spending will bolster the economy. Basically, McCain is taking from the middle class and giving to the rich. He believes that the economy should be grown from the top down. The rich creating jobs with their money will bolster the economy.
Senator McCain is redistributing the wealth by not giving tax breaks to those less able to afford taxes, instead giving it to those more able to afford taxes. He is redistributing wealth by sending it upward from the middle class to the wealthy class. McCain believes in the trickle down theory where the wealthy let the wealth trickle down to the middle class. It has trickled for 8 years leaving the middle class struggling.
Barack Obama has a different plan: Let the wealth trickle up. Give breaks to the middle class and let us grow the economy while the corporations and financial institutions pay us back some of our $700 billion.